Community Animators Backpack – developing quality of social animations for community developement 3. travnja 2017 Volonterski centar Petrinja Lokacija: Leszno west-center of Poland, Od: 10-09-2017 09:00 Do: 17-09-2017 22:30 Poveznica: DEADLINE FOR APPLICANTS: 7.4.2017.CAB – is design for youth workers to promote and maintain a long term local involvement and active participation in all their levels of working During the TC participants will receive a general backpack on the animation tools and they will carry out different practical experiences with these instruments. To achieve an ability in their application inside their local contexts, with the necessary adaptations according to their specific demands. Each participant will be able to devise, along with the team, his own idea of how to use those instruments of animation in his future plans.The training is based on practical work. There will be a final presentation with the community during huge local event "ACTIVE LESZNO CITIZENS" as a result of the work done and as an important learning opportunity for the participants.During the training the participants will contribute to realize a guide book about the tools they are implementing. Profile of participants The training course targets youth workers directly working with local community– social animators.Specific requirements:• Be able to participate in the whole duration of the training• To have previous experience working with community• Has a motivation to develop animation skills• Be able to communicate in English• Training is for people over 18 years old – there is no max. age limit When and where?The training will take place in Leszno, in the west - center of Poland between 10th and 17th of September 2017.Participants will be accommodated in the local hotel. Financial conditions- The travel costs will be reimbursed based on the real costs occurred, and with the limit of the flat rate given by distance calculator of ERASMUS+ - Board and lodging will be provided, and there is little fee for materials which are quite expensive - 10 eur per person How to apply (who can apply): Please fill the form by the 7th of April: Trainers: Magdalena Czarnecka-Wojkowiak - local animators /she will share her crazy spirit with the support of translator/ Natalia Kaźmierska - coordinator of Leszno Voluntary Centre Adam Kunikowski - game's passioner, finacial man from CAT:) Priprema događajaRad s mladimaRazvoj zajedniceZagovaranjeMeđunarodna-suradnja Komentari Datum Lokacija Prethodni događaj Sljedeći događaj IZDVOJENO Novi projekt Udruge IKS “Moja škola – zajednica sa srcem” U udruzi IKS vrlo smo sretni jer je naš projekt "Moja škola - zajednica sa srcem" dobio financijsku podršku iz Europskog socijalnog fonda! Posebno nas veseli činjenica da će se projekt provoditi u osam osnovnih škola s područja naše Banovine i naše Sisačko-moslavačke županije. Udruga IKS Udrugu IKS je osnovala skupina mladih entuzijasta koji su u posljeratnoj zajednici željeli pokrenuti pozitivne promjene. Udruga je registrirana 12. 03. 2003. sa sjedištem u Petrinji. Djelatnosti organizacije: • poticati građanski aktivizam i volonterski rad;• promicati particip... Sat učenja, sat igranja Pomoć u učenju engleskog i njemačkog jezika te matematike Očekivani rezultati: bolja pripremljenost osnovnoškolaca za nastavu engleskog i njemačkog jezika te matematike Konferencija “Naša dobra hrana” Konferencija o održivosti prehrambenog sustava Dvorana Müller, kino Europa, Varšavska 3, Zagreb 16.09.2017. od 10:00 – 17:00