Manikura i masaža ruku u Domu za starije i nemoćne osobe 17. prosinca 2019 Udruga IKS 13.11.2019 godine u Domu za starije i nemoćne osobe u Petrinji, korisnici doma mogli su uživati u uslugama manikure i masaže ruku. Mnogobrojne korisnice došle su toga jutra družiti se s volonterima, olakšati bol u rukama, ali i uljepšati nokte. Anna i Elixane, kratkoročne volonterke projekta Take-off iz Francuske, organizirale su aktivnost pružanja kozmetičkih usluga za starije osobe. Take off je projekt s partnerskom organizacijom Pistes-Solidaiers iz Francuske i orijentiran je na pružanje mogućnosti jednomjesečnih volonterskih mobilnosti za NEET skupinu i mlade ljude sa smanjenim mogućnostima. Iskustva naših EVS volontera možete pročitati u daljnjem teksu. ''Today, we organized a relaxing morning for the people of the retirement home, hand massage and nail polish. A dozen grandmas came to visit us, especially for the massages, because they had a bad circulation of the blood or osteoarthritis. To my surprise, a man came to see us, only for a hand massage, no polish for him ... We all had a great time, filled with good mood, relaxation and smile. Some have also just come to talk with their friends on the chairs. Despite the language barrier, we managed to communicate, thanks to gestures, words in English, but especially thanks to Celeste who speaks some Croatian and to Nadja. To set a relaxing lounge atmosphere, we had dimmed the light and put on a few candles, there was a mood with soft music and nature noises.'' Anna i Elixane ''This morning seven volunteers went to the House of the Elderly to do an activity together. The two French girls, Elixane and Anna, organized a small Spa salon with two stations: in the first one, me, Margarida and Anna gave hand massages to some ladies, and in the second one, Neslişah and Elixane were busy putting nail polish on them. Orhan was there to take pictures of the whole activity. It was a relaxing hour and I was reminded of my grandmother so many times, especially when an old lady told me that she had some circulation problems in her hands because of many years of knitting. It was a nice moment and they were happy to see us and even asked where we bought our hand-cream, because they wanted to buy it themselves.'' Alice Bariani (Italija) '' Today, we had the opportunity to spend the morning with the elderly people living in the retirement home of Petrinja. Our French volunteers, Anna and Elixane, organised a Spa day for them: hand massages, organic scrub to soften the skin, manicures and nail polishes. All was set in a perfect and relaxing atmosphere, with scented candles and ambient music. They all enjoyed the activities, especially the hand massages and the opportunity to share stories from their past with us. Spending time with elderly peopleat the retirement home always brightens my day and put me in a better mood, because I know that somehow, even with my clumsyCroatian, I did something to make their day better. '' Celeste Romano (Italija) Stajališta izražena u ovom članku isključiva su odgovornost Udruge IKS. Razvoj zajedniceSisačko-moslavačkaStarije osobe Komentari Prethodna novost Sljedeća novost IZDVOJENO Novi projekt Udruge IKS “Moja škola – zajednica sa srcem” U udruzi IKS vrlo smo sretni jer je naš projekt "Moja škola - zajednica sa srcem" dobio financijsku podršku iz Europskog socijalnog fonda! Posebno nas veseli činjenica da će se projekt provoditi u osam osnovnih škola s područja naše Banovine i naše Sisačko-moslavačke županije. Udruga IKS Udrugu IKS je osnovala skupina mladih entuzijasta koji su u posljeratnoj zajednici željeli pokrenuti pozitivne promjene. Udruga je registrirana 12. 03. 2003. sa sjedištem u Petrinji. Djelatnosti organizacije: • poticati građanski aktivizam i volonterski rad;• promicati particip... Sat učenja, sat igranja Pomoć u učenju engleskog i njemačkog jezika te matematike Očekivani rezultati: bolja pripremljenost osnovnoškolaca za nastavu engleskog i njemačkog jezika te matematike Konferencija “Naša dobra hrana” Konferencija o održivosti prehrambenog sustava Dvorana Müller, kino Europa, Varšavska 3, Zagreb 16.09.2017. od 10:00 – 17:00